martha stewart was also someone who cam from a family that was not very wealthy but could keep there feet on the ground and was stable she had brothers and sisters and was a very bright girl. Martha stewart really excelled in her highschool life and took it with her in college. Martha became a very beautiful model that chagned her life and put her i nthe spotlight. When she got on glamour magazine everyone knew she was determined for sucess. At nineteen martha married and mo
ved in with her husband and dropped everything. They were in desperate need of help so martha quit the high fashioned life and went for the business life. pretty soon things got tired and stressful and she needed time to hang out with her and family so she quit her job and the husband supported them. Martha then came up with her own caterering company and that is when she really got out there and things started booming. Right away someone signed her for her own book and things took off from there. Martha got her own television show, her own magazine, her own little store, and even more sucess then ever imagined. by then she really had forgotten about her family and moved on and she could never be happy she never really had a real home martha became something that took her personal life with her to the cameras. Martha really strived for what she wanted and got what she deserved a really good life. i would take this and learn so much from her and learn how to take risks and strive for what i want and never give up on anything.

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