we had been given this assignment by Mr.Ross. The assignment was to come up with a problem and figure out a solution to this problem. The problem that my group came up with was to sell unhealthy food because our school is on a health kick now. We Figured that if we wanted junk food, why wouldn't they want junk food? So we had three days to put together an and make a proifit. We came up with the idea of selling Cupcakes and Pop, we sold the cupcakes for $.50 and the pop for $1.00. We sold cupcakes on friday and monday, and we sold pop on Monday only. All together we started off with $5.00 and we ended up making $45.00 all together our ending profit. We had reached quite abit amount of money and it shows that you can take a problem and find a solution whenever possible, it does not matter how many days or how long.
Very nice :P it was quite the experience selling those cupcakes wasnt it